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- Who's behind the page | Daniela Chavarria De
Who's behind this page: I am a Colombian Social Impact Designer with a master's degree in Rural Development and Innovation. The fusion between design thinking, sociology and anthropology has given me the opportunity to work in a wide variety of cultures, languages and types of projects. I have more than 8 years of experience in social service design, process design, project management, and communications design, which has allowed me to reach out to vulnerable communities in the Philippines, India, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Colombia. Although not all my professional experience has been directly linked to design, design thinking is a mindset that has stayed with me and runs through all the projects I've worked on. Within design led methodologies I have found a set of tools that have allowed me to merge academic theory with the practicality of field work, managing to approach the needs of communities and social vulnerable groups besides allowing the active involvement of all stakeholders in the development of the proposed projects. Throughout this portfolio, you will be able to know more about the objectives of each project , the design approach or design challenge to be solved and, finally, the development process of each one. Each project, at the same time, presents a change and a personal journey. More than 11 projects, 6 countries, 12 cities and 3 continents have managed to bring me to this point so now, I present to you a portfolio of diverse interventions that I have led across different cultures, industries and experiences. Welcome to my journey, thanks for joining me. get in touch
- Contacto | Daniela Chavarria De
Get in touch Bogota Colombia Name E-mail Phone Address Affair Message Send Thank you for your message!
- Home | Daniela Chavarria De
Social impact Design and Community Development Design and facilitation of processes and experiences of co-creation of: projects, programs and strategies, which allow the sustainable local development of communities and territories. get in touch “We cannot solve problems with the same type of thinking that we used to create them” It has not been confirmed that Albert Einstein said this phrase, however, I deeply believe in the message. Through the use and integration of tools of design thinking + creative problem solving, I seek to empower communities with the visions, conditions and capacities so that they can become change makers of their local socioeconomic systems and thus achieve social innovation and sustained impact. What do I do? All of my projects have been deeply collaborative and interdisciplinary. I work with strategic stakeholders, whether public or private, who understand the value of empathy, creativity and systemic thinking as an essential requirement for innovation and growth when addressing socioeconomic and environmental challenges. Facilitation and Mediation The particularities of projects with vulnerable communities reside in the balance between community needs and project goals . I work on the design and development processes and/or experiences where community and stkeholders seek an ideal balance that facilitates joint work from the conception of the project, its implementation and/or its evaluation in the long term. Data design and visualization Many times we have an idea and we don't know how to explain it or how to make sure others understand us. I work with people, projects, enterprises or academics to understand the background of texts, ideas or projects that seek to be communicated clearly. The designed elements go from a visual piece to brand development , presentation of proposals , and data visualization for scientific articles . Research and evaluation A balance between the practicality of the design and the argumentative capacity from the theory, adds a layer of value to the systemic design of interventions in social impact projects . I use design thinking tools with innovative problem solving approaches, achieving the co-creation of a series of solutions, systems and/or strategies that can provide an aspirational and sustainable impact. Get in touch Bogota, Colombia Name E-mail Phone Address Affair Message Send Thank you for your message!
- Bitácora de proyectos | Daniela Chavarria De
Methodology All of my projects have been deeply collaborative and interdisciplinary. I work with strategic stakeholders, whether public or private, who understand the value of empathy, creativity and systemic thinking as an essential requirement for innovation and growth when addressing socioeconomic and environmental challenges. Casa Durazno es un proyecto artístico cultural y social que nace el 13 de febrero del 2021 con la necesidad de habitar un espacio autosustentable donde poder ejercer dignamente nuestros oficios artísticos y artesanales. Procurando cuidar y reconocer el trabajo de cada miembro, generando dinámicas que vayan acorde a las habilidades de cada unx, creando una dinámica ágil y creativa que permita el crecimiento personal y colectivo. Construimos un espacio donde se articulan diversos procesos con el territorio para, a través de creatividad, aportar a la educación, la autonomía, la autoestima, y la diversidad, del territorio. Nuestros ejes temáticos son: Formación Integral: Relacionado directamente con el aprendizaje, la pedagogía, y la enseñanza de diferentes disciplinas artísticas y culturales, que contribuyan al desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas de la parroquia. Plataforma de articulación y Difusión Artística: Oferta de entretenimiento alternativo, abierto y accesible en colaboración con artistas y gestores locales, de forma que el arte y sus diferentes expresiones tenga un espacio de contención y divulgación comunitaria. Materiales y Relación con la Tierra: Hemos encontrado diferentes posibilidades estéticas y metodológicas a partir de vincular el cuerpo con el proceso de edificación de una casa en la "auto-bio-construcción", que utiliza y apropia materiales provenientes de la tierra o el reciclaje. Territorio y Memoria: Entendemos la memoria contada desde las narrativas del recuerdo de las familias, de los talleres y de la memoria popular de la parroquia en torno a los diferentes oficios que se manejan hoy en día. TURU-Autobiioconstrucción es el proceso y la documentación de la construcción de una casa diseñada y construida con materiales reciclados, naturales y en la mayoría de casos locales. Este proceso de acompañamiento en la construcción de la casa es una propuesta de autobioconstrucción donde el equipo de trabajo se cuestiona y analiza constantemente la relación del hacer con las formas, tiempos y contextos del cuerpo.
- Porfolio | Daniela Chavarria De
My portfolio From the coffee mountains in Colombia to the prisons in the Philippines, my portfolio is a journey through all the projects, communities and places that have changed my life and made me a high-impact designer!